1. £80K Fine for Paint Manufacturer after Worker Suffers Burns
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigated the accident and found that, when planning the floor cleaning, the company had failed to recognise the hazards associated with the use of highly flammable solvents to clean the spray booth. The injured employee had not received training to clean the floor and had not been properly supervised when carrying out the work activity.
5 Tips to Help Prevent Fires and Explosions
1. Undertake a risk assessment in relation to your use and storage of flammable substances, such as oil, gases, paints and solvents. Always look to reduce the risk, for example, by substituting the substance for something less flammable (i.e. a substance with a higher flashpoint) and think about removing any potential ignition sources such as electrical items and naked flames.
2. Store any flammable substances in correct containers and lock them away to prevent theft. Ensure that liquids are in bunded areas to contain any unintentional releases. Make sure container lids fit properly and that the containers themselves are not damaged. Check that storage areas have the correct levels of ventilation to prevent vapour build up.
3. Where vapour ignition could be a problem, adapt the process to remove the potential ignition source. In the above accident, for example, the correct procedure would likely have been to use a mop and bucket, rather than an electrical scrubber.
4. Provide training for workers on how a fire or explosion could happen and under which conditions. The training should cover all activities involving the substance, including transporting it, decanting it and clearing up spillages, as well as use within the work task.
5. Look to reduce the quantities of flammables stored on site – only decant what you need for half a day or a day, for example, and only order in what you need in the near future.
It is vitally important that the risk of fire and explosion from flammable substances is mitigated – take the necessary action today to check your controls.
For assistance with reviewing your health and safety measures in your business or work place, please call REEN ANDERSON SOLICITORS on 0207 859 4451 or email us at info@reenanderson.com
2. Health and Safety documents
Are you SURE you’ve CORRECTLY DOCUMENTED all your health and safety measures? The authorities are getting even stricter… Even if you’ve carried out all your health and safety measures by the book, you could still get in trouble if you’ve failed to document your work in the exact ways that are expected. Whenever any incident or accident happens in your workplace, you don’t want to be caught out because of a tiny oversight in your paperwork. And be warned: the professional bodies and insurance companies are all ready to catch you out on this.
For assistance with reviewing your health and safety measures and policy in your business or workplace, please call REEN ANDERSON SOLICITORS on 0207 859 4451 or email us at info@reenanderson.com
Please Call if you have any inquiries on Health and Safety documents