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What do I when I receive an Improvement Notice as a landlord?
As a landlord, if you receive an Improvement Notice it…
How to Carry Out an Effective Property Inspection
If you’re a landlord, you will be keen to ensure…
What Happens When a Tenant Refuses to Leave?
Are you a Landlord who has a tenant who refuses…
What are Some of the HMO Legal Requirements in England?
Landlords of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) are subject to…
Additional Licensing Scheme introduced in Oxford in June 2021
Oxford suffers an acute shortage of housing with family dwellings…
5 Critical things HMO Landlords must do to avoid prosecution
As a landlord, you need to make sure that any…
What happens when a Council receives reports of an Unlicensed HMO
They will investigate to establish the facts and gather evidence…